1:1 Mentorship ~ Exploratory Form
Individual mentorship is a deeper container over a longer period of time so it must feel aligned to move forward to serve the best interest of all. This exploratory form will help us determine whether this will be a good fit. Once you complete this form, you can expect a follow-up email with a response of whether we will explore 1:1 mentorship further or not. If it makes sense to, we will hop on a 30-minute call to discuss further. Please provide detailed answers. I look forward to reading your responses and getting to know you better!
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Email *
Full name: *
Instagram handle (if applicable):
What are you looking for support with? *
What is the growth or transformation you are devoted to and calling in? 
What do you feel is getting in the way of that growth or transformation? This can include internal or external factors. List anything that comes to mind. *
What inspires or motivates you? What are you most excited about in this phase of your journey? *
How does resistance show up for you? Examples may include: not responding or ghosting, using distractions (Netflix, alcohol, drugs, social media), avoiding being alone, overworking, etc. *
Are you willing to work on your patterns of resistance and allow me to gently bring awareness to them if I am able to observe them? *
Do you currently have any sacred practices that help you connect with yourself and/or a higher power (however that looks to you)? If so, what are they? *
What is it you're desiring to have or feel by the end of this container? *
What is your current availability? List the days of the week and time frames that would work for scheduled calls. *
Your time zone: *
"I understand that this as a collaborative journey where your responsibility is to offer support and bring awareness as an observer and guide. My responsibility is to do the inner work that no one else can do for me. I understand that my healing and transformation will reflect the level of intention and devotion I am willing to commit to within this container."
Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully complete this form. 
You will hear back via email. Keep an eye on your inbox!
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