American Eagle Day Off Camp Registration
Join us for a camp day filled with theatre games and musical classics that will get your child's body moving and their imagination flowing. Campers will learn a new musical number, create their own stories, scenes, and plays, make crafts, participate in drama games and activities!  A space will also be provided for students who need to work on school work during the day.  Students should bring a packed lunch and snacks (nut-free).

*A copy of your google form responses will be sent to the email address provided once you have clicked "Submit."  Please check your spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox.
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Email *
Participant Name (First and Last) *
Participant Date of Birth *
Participant Grade Level *
If in Chicago or Chicagoland area, what school does your child attend?
Does your child have any allergies and/or medical conditions? *
If you answered yes, please list all allergies and/or medical conditions.
Anything else you would like us to know about your child?
Guardian Name (First and Last) *
Guardian Email *
Guradian Phone Number *
Additional Guardian Name, if applicable (First and Last)
Additional Guardian Email
Additional Guardian Phone Number
I would like to register for the following camp day(s):  [PLEASE NOTE STANDARD/EXTENDED DAY AND CHECK CAMP DATES AS SOME CAMPS RUN MULTIPLE DAYS.] *
How did you hear about us? *

WAIVER AND INFORMED CONSENT:  I, as parent/guardian of the aforementioned participant, understand that, by enrolling my child in an American Eagle Productions, Inc. program, American Eagle Productions, Inc. will take precautions to maintain a safe environment. I certify my child is fit for the program(s) in which I have enrolled them. I give American Eagle Productions, Inc. my permission for the public display of pictures and or video of my child for possible advertisement purposes (i.e. videos, social media, web site, etc. - no names will be used). As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless American Eagle Productions, Inc., its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of American Eagle Productions, Inc., its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.


I understand by clicking "Submit," I agree to pay the fees for the selected camp day(s) and abide by the cancellation policy. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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