Rock Academy - Songwriting and Recording Summer School August 2021
Aged 12-18? Singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer or keyboard player? Want to work with other like-minded musicians to write and record a new original song?

The Rock Academy is running two songwriting and recording summer schools during August 2021. Working with an experienced music leader, you will collaborate on a new song before spending a day making a multitrack recording to share with your friends and family.

We will provide all the equipment necessary for this exciting summer school, just bring along your guitar/bass/drum sticks and a packed lunch each day.

The cost per person for this 2-day summer school is £99. If you are unable to cover this cost, we are also accepting scholarship applications. Please note this when you complete the form and we will send you some more information.

Spaces are very limited, if you’re interested in getting involved, please complete the form at the link below to confirm your contact details and availability. We will then be in touch to finalise plans.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Please confirm your availability during August 2021. Activities on both days will take place between 10am and 3pm.
Name of Student: *
Student date of Birth: *
Name of Parent/Guardian *
Relationship to Applicant: *
Parent/Guardian Contact Email Address: *
Parent/Guardian Contact Telephone Number: *
Applicants Full Home Address: *
Postcode *
Primary Instrument/Specialism: *
Level: *
Please send me some information on the Rock Academy scholarship.
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Number: *
Medical Conditions: *
How did you hear about us?
I give my consent for appropriate photographs or video footage to be taken of the applicant during the August 2021 summer school, for occasional promotional activity on our website or promotional materials. *
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The Rock Academy Foundation does not pass on your details to any third party organisation. You agree for us to store the registration information on our academy information system: *
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If you WOULD LIKE us to send you information via email, regarding The Rock Academy Foundation's events or special concerts and performances please tick the box here:
By checking the "Yes, I agree" box, I confirm that I the Parent/Guardian of the applicant/I the applicant (aged 18 or over) do hereby declare I have read and agree to the aims and members terms and Behavioural Policy: *
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Please read all Terms & Conditions below * The Songwriter/Band Members own the copyright in the music and lyrics from Summer School. * Band Members can re-record their songs, make changes and distribute them without any Rock Academy Foundation (also known as TRAF) involvement. * The Rock Academy will own the copyright in the recordings. Any monies generated from direct TRAF sales of these recordings will go back into the TRAF charity - registered charity number 1158478. * The Songwriter/Bands Members of The Rock Academy are free to use recordings in anyway they see fit and any financial gain will be for their sole use. I confirm that I the Parent/Guardian of TRAF Member/I the Member of TRAF (if aged 18 or over) do hereby declare that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions above: *
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