Lawn Care in Glen Rock - ANONYMOUS SURVEY
You may be aware that the Green Team has named 2019 the year of Air and Water.   As part of this year’s program, the Green Team is looking for information from the residents of Glen Rock to understand how residents currently care for their lawns.  Please take a few minutes to provide your answers to the survey.  This survey is brief – and should  only take you a few minutes  to complete.
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Do you live in Glen Rock?
Batalkan pilihan
How important is it to you that your lawn to be green (the color green)?
I don’t care if my lawn crunches in August.
I want my lawn to look green and manicured like a golf course.
Batalkan pilihan
Which of the following do you or a household member do to care for your lawn?
Which of the following do you use for your lawn?
If you use a landscaper, does your landscaper provide you with a list of the products they will be using?
Batalkan pilihan
Does your landscaper permit you to choose the products that will be used?
Batalkan pilihan
Regarding your grass clippings:
Batalkan pilihan
Regarding your leaves in the fall:
Please let us know how your lawn is used
Enter your email if we can add you to our AWESOME and FUN Glen Rock Green Team mailing list. Your survey responses will remain anonymous!
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Laura Occhipinti. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan