Feminist Biology Symposium Poll
This poll will help us make an estimate of potential attendance and presentations.
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Are you planning to attend the Wisconsin Feminist Biology Symposium on October 8, 2021?
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If you answered "maybe," why are you undecided? (check all that apply)
If you answered "yes," how certain are you?
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The symposium is scheduled for Friday October 8th. Would you be interested in attending a roundtable and/or workshop the following morning, Saturday October 9th, on feminist pedagogy in biology courses and/or feminist perspectives of reproduction?
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Are you interested in presenting at the symposium? (check all that apply)
What field(s) are you in? (check all that apply)
Are you from UW-Madison?
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This symposium is planned to be in-person, but we are working to assess our options for streaming or recording it, as well. Are you interested but unable to attend in-person?
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What type of position are you currently in?
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What's your name? (optional)
What's your email address? (optional)
Do you have any additional comments or feedback?
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