The Better Business Check Up
Hi there!

I'm SO excited about your interest in joining The Better Business Check Up coaching program! Before we have you sign on the dotted line, I'd love to get to know a little about your & your business to ensure that this is the right fit for your business. 

If you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to schedule a discovery call with me here { SCHEDULE A CALL }. Can't wait to start working with you in the new year! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name *
Business Name
Website URL
How many years have you been in business?
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Can you share a little about what your business goals are for 2024?
Are there specific areas of need / pain points in your business that you're hoping Kelsey will be able to help you with?
Would you be available for coaching calls Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 10am to 4pm EST?
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Which payment plan works best for you?
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Do you have any questions for Kelsey?
Be on the lookout for a follow-up from Kelsey!
If you're a good fit for the program, I'll be passing along all of the documentation to make it official! I'm so excited to get to work with you. 

Let's do this,
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