Sports Fan Survey
We are gathering opinions from sports fans on Immersive experiences. Immersive experiences provide a sense of depth and place, similar to 3D, and allow you to move around freely in the space. It is NOT a game, but rather a new immersive way to experience your team. This does not require any special equipment. Immersive experiences can be accessed via any device, from a mobile phone to a laptop computer to a VR or Mixed Reality headset.

We have provided a few examples of early development prototypes of Immersive experiences for your information. Please take a moment to view them and then proceed to the questions.
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Immersive Fan Experience (prototype - for demonstration only)
Immersive Fan Zones (prototype - for demonstration only)
Immersive Fan Zones (prototype - for demonstration only)
3D Immersive Stadium (prototype - for demonstration only)
Which team is your favourite?
How often do you visit your favourite team's website? *
If your favourite sports team offers an immersive experience, would you use it? *
How much would you prefer an immersive experience versus the traditional website for engaging with your favourite sports team? *
Highly Prefer Website
Highly Prefer Immersive
Compared to the team website, if your favourite team offered an immersive experience, would you visit it : *
If your favourite sports team's immersive experience included the ability to securely purchase team merchandise (physical and virtual), how likely would you be to purchase merchandise inside that immersive experience? 

Example: Purchase a team jersey shipped to your home, and also receive a virtual jersey to wear or display inside the Immersive experience.
Not at all likely
How important is social interaction with other fans inside the Immersive experience?

Interacting with other fans through voice chat and text messaging.
Would you be interested in an immersive online event where you could pay to meet a player of your favourite team or view a team training session inside the Immersive experience? *
Any other thoughts you would like to share about an Immersive Fan Experience? We would appreciate your thoughts. (Optional)
Age Range *
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