HHS Transcript Request
If you are an upcoming 2025 Graduate, your counselor will automatically send your transcript at end of June using the information you put on your Senior Exit Survey.  There is no need to fill out this form.  

This request form is intended ONLY for someone who has already graduated. (Class of 2024 or prior.)
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Last Name *
First Name *
What is your date of birth?  MM/DD/YYYY *
If you had a different name when you graduated, please type it here.
Year you graduated from HHS (again this is only if you have already graduated from HHS, not for current students) *
Where do you want your transcripts to go?   *
If it is a college/university, please list the name and address.
If you want your transcripts emailed to someone, please list the email address here.
Your email *
Your cell number *
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