Law Alumni Weekend 2024 Survey
Thank you for being part of our Wake Forest Law Alumni community! Your feedback on Law Alumni Weekend 2024 is crucial to helping us create even more memorable and meaningful experiences in the future. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts.
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1) Name (optional):
2) Law Class Year (XXXX) if applicable:
3) Did you attend Law Alumni Weekend 2024?
Clear selection
4) How satisfied were you with the logistics?
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Online Registration
Law Alumni Weekend and Homecoming Website
Communication emails
Range of event offerings
Food and beverage options
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5) Which of the following events did you attend? (choose all that apply)
6) What event did you enjoy the most? (choose one)
Clear selection
7) What activities or events would you like to see more of?
8) When did you make your decision to attend?
Clear selection
9) Which communication tool was most helpful in making your decision to attend Law Alumni Weekend?
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10) Overall, how satisfied were you with Law Alumni Weekend?
Not very
Very much
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11) What could we do to improve the overall event experience next year?
12) Which communication method do you regularly use most to stay updated with Wake Forest Law
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13) How do you prefer to receive communication about Law Alumni Weekend and your class reunion? (check all that apply)
14) ANSWER IF YOU REGISTERED BUT DID NOT ATTEND: Why didn't you attend Law Alumni Weekend? (Answer this question and the following question please.)
15)  ANSWER IF YOU REGISTERED BUT DID NOT ATTEND:  Is there anything that would encourage you to attend in the future, if you didn't this year?
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