2024-2025 Tolar Elementary Pre-K Sign-Up Form
Sign-up by using the form below to show interest in attending Tolar Elementary Pre-K if your student does not meet eligibility guidelines. If you believe your student does meet the eligibility guidelines, please contact the office instead of filling out this form. We will keep the sign-up form below open until June 1. Please contact the TES office for inquiries regarding Pre-K if this form is not accessible. Classes will be filled in this order:

1) Students living in TISD and meeting Pre-K eligibility guidelines as outlined in Texas Education Code 29.153(b)
2) Students living in TISD and not meeting eligibility guidelines as outlined in  Texas Education Code 29.153(b) in the order of sign-ups on this form. 

Once you have secured a spot in TES Pre-K, the office will contact you to come fill out registration paperwork. You will need verification of address, birth certificate, immunization records, student social security card, and parents’ drivers licenses. If you have any questions, please call us at 254-835-4718.
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Correo electrónico *
Student Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Primary Parent Name *
Primary Parent Address *
Primary Parent Phone Number *
Are you a Tolar resident? *
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