Sign up to join the 2020-2021 NPC Parent Link Directory!
This directory was designed to help parents and guardians get into contact with each other, but its bigger purpose is to normalize reaching out. We have all heard the expression, “It takes a village.” It is our hope and intention that this directory supports this adage and that the accompanying tool kit is of service as a resource on how to have meaningful conversations with your teens; including how to tackle difficult conversations with them and how to ask other parents/guardians the questions you need to ask to ensure that you feel comfortable having your kids in their home ( and vice versa).

You will also find information about limit setting, the difference between adult substance use and youth substance use, why the Social Host Laws are essential for every family to become familiar with, and a resource list of area providers of mental health and substance use services.

Welcome to the NPC Parent Link. It takes a village!

The Parent Link directory is housed within the secure parent portal system supported by your child’s school. So, for NHS and JFK students, this directory is on Aspen. For SVAHS students, this is on Plus Portal. When you log in you will see a pdf document on the home page.

Please fill out the information below using your preferred method of communication.

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Untitled Title
Social Media Contact (ex. Facebook or Instagram handle)
Parent/Guardian Information
If your child has multiple households, please encourage all parents/guardians to participate.
1. Parent/Guardian FIRST NAME *
Parent Guardian LAST NAME *
Street Address
(e.g. 123 Main Street or 456 Your Road)
Phone Number *
Email Address *
2. Other Parent/Guardian FIRST NAME
Other Parent Guardian LAST NAME
Street Address
(e.g. 123 Main Street or 456 Your Road)
Phone Number
Email Address
Child's Information
Please list each child in grades 6-12 separately.
1. Child's FIRST NAME *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Grade *
Child's School *
2. Child's FIRST NAME
Child's Last Name
Child's Grade
Child's School
3. Child's FIRST NAME
Child's Last Name
Child's Grade
Child's School
4. Child's FIRST NAME
Child's Last Name
Child's Grade
Child's School
Agreement to Join the NPC Parent Link Directory *
Thank you for registering for the NPC Parent Link Directory!
This information will not be used or distributed for any other purpose. Any NPC Parent Link Directory agreements are not legally binding, but are statements of concern and intent. NPC Parent Link and its members are not able to guarantee or enforce compliance.
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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