St. Peter Lutheran Church - Rainbow Trail's Day Camp Registration
Welcome to Rainbow Trail Day Camp! We are so excited to be in small group community with you and your child.   The 2021 curriculum will be based on the theme “Taking it Down the Mountain.” Our study centers on scripture from John 16:33:  “I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will face persecution.  But take courage; I have conquered the world!”  Day Camp can be such a mountain top experience for all who participate.  It is a place where it is easy to talk about faith, and Jesus is a part of everyday conversations.  But as we all move back into our world, it is sometimes hard to let our faith lead us when we step back into everyday routines.  We hope this study will give us courage as well as some of the tools to really live out our faith in every aspect of our life.  It will be challenging, but it is what we are called to do!

Please fill out all information completely.  Personal information will not be shared with organizations other than church and camp.  You will not receive mailings from RTLC based on information shared here unless you check that you would like to below.

*If you are registering multiple kids from your family, please use a unique email address for each child.*
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Email *
First Name of Camper *
Last Name of Camper *
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Camper's Grade in the Fall: *
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent Cell Phone: *
Emergency Phone:
Street Address:
Tell us a little bit about your camper so your counselor can start getting to know them (i.e. favorite hobbies/activities, interests, pets/pet name,personality, school subject, favorite bible story, favorite thing about camp) *
I give my permission for photos, videos and electronic images to be taken of me or my child and used for promotional purposes without compensation, inspection or approval. * *
Please read the following carefully:
 Our Child has permission to take part in all Day Camp activities led by Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp (Camp) and the hosting congregation (Church). We agree that the Camp, Church, and their personnel will not be held responsible for accidents arising therefrom. I give Camp and Church personnel permission to seek medical treatment for my child in case of injury or illness. I also given permission for photos, video, and electronic images to be taken of me or my child and used for by the Camp or Church for promotional purposes without compensation, inspection or approval.

PARENTS: By typing my name, I agree to follow the guidelines set forth in the statement directly above. By typing by name below I acknowledge that I personally completed this form truthfully and I agree that my typed name is the same as my valid legal written signature. *
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