Silver Bells and Tinsel Glow
ATO Academy Winter Formal Student Registration
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Email *
Student Name (s) *
Student Grade (s) *
Parent Name (s) *
Parent Contact (s) *
Please provide initials and a yes to acknowledge this statement. I understand that photos and videos may be taken and used for marketing purposes during this event. *
Please provide initials and a yes to acknowledge this statement.I understand that inappropriate language, behavior, fighting, and/or gestures will result in being asked to leave (parent/guardian pick up) without a refund. *
Please provide initials and a yes to acknowledge this statement. I understand that smoking, vaping, or any drug/alcohol is NOT prohibited and if caught, will be handled by law enforcing authorities without a refund. *
Emergency Contact #1 - Please provide an adult name/relationship to your student and best working number. *
Emergency Contact #2 - Please provide an adult name/relationship to your student and best working number.
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