Compassion For Canines Adoption Application
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Adresse e-mail *
Name: *
Address: *
Best Phone Number: *
Which dog(s) are you interested in adopting?   *
What energy level are you looking for in a new dog? *
How will you exercise your new dog? *
Do you: *
If you rent, please list Land Lords contact info:
Do you have a fenced yard? *
How tall is the fence? *
Do you own a kennel/crate? *
How many hours a day will your pet be left alone? *
Who will watch your pets when you are out of town? *
What would you do with your pets if you had to move? *
Do you have cats/other small animals? *
Please list the name, age, and breed of all pets in the home: *
Have all of your current and former pets been spayed/neutered? If no, please explain: *
Are all your pets current on vaccines, heartworm tests, and preventive? *
What is the name of your Vet Clinic? *
Have you ever surrendered a pet to a shelter or rescue? *
What behaviors do you find unacceptable in a pet? How would you deal with these behaviors? *
Are you open to adopting a dog with special medical/behavioral needs? *
Who is this pet for? *
Is everyone in the home agreeable to adopting a new dog? *
Please list the name of any adults living in the home: *
Please list the name and age of any children living in the home: *
Please briefly describe why you feel this pet would be a good addition for your home: *
Please list 3 people, including phone numbers, as references outside of your immediate family: *
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