Assessment Form To Immigrate to Canada
Note: For a thorough assessment, it's recommended that your spouse/common law partner who will accompany you to Canada (if applicable) also fills out this form.

Bấm vào đây nếu bạn muốn làm bảng đánh giá này bằng tiếng Việt: 
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Full name: *
Date of birth *
Email: *
Phone number:
Your residential address (city and country):
Which language test did you take?
What is your language test result date?
Enter your test score for Speaking:
Enter your test score for Listening:
Enter your test score for Reading:
Enter your test score for Writing:
List your educational credentials:
From month/year - month/year - Education level - Study field - In which city, country
Have you made Educational Credentials Assessment for your educational credentials gained outside Canada?
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Do you own a business?
Provide further info if Yes, years of operation, number of staff, your % ownership
List your work experience
From month/year - month/year - Job title - In which city, country
List your spouse and your children's names and age if applicable
Do you have any family members or relatives who are Canadians or Permanent Residents of Canada?
Answer No or Yes and list the person's name, your relationship with the person and the province where they reside.
Your total net worth in CAD?
You are required to have settle funds or investment funds for business programs if applicable.
Have you ever been to Canada?
If Yes, describe the purpose and the time of your stay in Canada.
List all your Canadian visas and permits with their validity dates if any
Have you been under a removal order in Canada?
Clear selection
Have you ever been refused a Canadian visa?
If Yes, provide details of visa type, time of application, reasons of the refusal.
Have you ever committed an offence or been convicted an offence in or outside Canada?
If Yes, provide more details
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