STUDENTS SATISFACTION SURVEY (S.B.P. Mahavidyalaya, Samantiapalli, Gm)
This Form is meant to collect feedback from students regarding the teaching process.
Name *
Email *
Which year are you in?
Choose any one of the options of the following questions.
1. How much of the syllabus covered in the class? *
2. How well the teacher prepare for the class? *
3. How well were the teachers able to communicate? *
4. The teacher’s approach to teaching can best be described as *
5. Fairness of the internal and Practical evaluation process by the teachers *
6. Was your performance in assignments discussed with you? *
7.  The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you in cognitive, social and emotional growth *
8. The institution provides multiple Opportunities to learn and grow. *
9. Teachers inform you about expected competencies, Course out come and program  outcome. *
10. The teachers illustrate the concepts through examples and applications. *
11. The teachers identify your strengths and encourage you with providing right level of challenges *
12. Teachers are able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them. *
13. The institution makes effort to engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality improvement of the teaching learning process. *
14. The institute/teachers use student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies for enhancing learning experiences. *
15. Teachers encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities. *
16. Efforts are made by the institute/ teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills and employability skills to make you ready for the world of work *
17. What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching. *
18. The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good. *
Any additional comment?
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