Setting Financial Goals
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1. Your financial goals should be:
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2. The main reason that is helpful to track daily spending habits is to:
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3. Before you prepare a spending plan, the two most important things you must know are:
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4. Which of the following are generally considered examples of a flexible expense?
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5. Which of the following are generally considered examples of a fixed expense?
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6. Adopt the habit of paying yourself first. On your worksheets, list savings as:
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7. "Increasing cash flow" means:
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8. On a pay stub, deductions made for Social Security are often referred to as:
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9. Social Security benefits may include:
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10. On a typical pay stub, Net pay (sometimes referred to as take-home pay) is often smaller than:
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11. If you earn $10.00 an hour at a part-time job and you work 16 hours in a week, your take-home pay for that week will likely be:
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12. If you are having trouble paying your bills, you should first:
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13. Your financial goals should consist of what?
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14. You will be more likely to do this if you track daily spending habits by:
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15. You cannot prepare a personal spending plan without first knowing these two things.
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16. Select all of the flexible expense items from the list.
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17. Select all of the fixed expense items from the list.
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18. You can pay yourself first by listing this item as a flexible expense on your worksheet.
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19. If you increase your cash flow, then you have:
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20. When you see the acronym FICA on your pay stub, it refers to deductions made for:
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21. Social Security benefits do not include:
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22. Gross pay (on your pay stub) is usually the largest amount when compared to what other items?
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23. If you worked 10 hours in 1 week at your part-time job and you earn $8.00 an hour, take-home pay for that week will likely by:
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24. You should do this if you have trouble paying your bills.
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