Orthodox Minyan at Harvard Hillel High Holidays 5782 Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in Orthodox High Holiday services in Cambridge.

This survey is now closed. A formal signup form will be available soon via the Orthodox Minyan's email list and Facebook group. If you would like to receive the link via a separate email, please reach out to evcrane@gmail.com.

Here is more information on our plans for the High Holidays:

In order to keep density down and to help ensure the safety of attendees, Harvard Hillel has generously decided to rent space at Tremont Street Shul (TBS), and we are planning to run parallel services there and in Beren Hall at Harvard Hillel. We are also exploring the possibility of an outdoor option (if you are interested in attending but would only do so if services are outdoors, please email evcrane@gmail.com).

In the third week of August we plan to release a signup form. All attendees will be required to sign up in advance in order to attend. Individuals will be assigned to daven either at Hillel or at TBS based on numbers (please see additional information below).

Everyone* who is attending our services on Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur is required to purchase tickets through Harvard Hillel (https://hillel.harvard.edu/high-holidays). If you expect this requirement to cause an undue financial burden, please follow the appropriate instructions on Hillel's website. Nobody will be turned away for financial reasons.

*Current Harvard students can acquire tickets for free on Hillel's website; members of TBS should handle ticket arrangements through the shul; MIT undergraduates should contact MIT Hillel for ticket arrangements at TBS.
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