Chapbook 2 Pre-Order - Snippets Of Life
Cordelia, Eileyn and Elena got together in the beginning of the year 2021 with the idea of starting a writing project. Somehow the idea got expanded and on the 16th of January 2021, they decided to do a chapbook series instead. It was then The Spunky, The Rebel And A Mama was born.

The year 2020 had been a hard year throughout the world and the effect even spilled over to 2021. The power-trio aim to spread hope and light to others who are going through difficulties by sharing their own personal stories and experiences. Thus that was the beginning of the first book - Life, Love & Passion - A Book of Poems.

We are now taking pre-orders for our 2nd chapbook as the books would be ready by early October. Pricing and info are as below:-

Elena will be in contact with you to confirm your order and provide you with the payment details. Thank you for your support!

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For any amount above 3, please write the number you require under the Notes/Remarks
Book 2 ONLY (RM 15)
Book 1 ONLY (RM 15)
Book 1 & 2 ONLY (RM 28)
Do you want to add the Toffees with your book(s) - RM 80 for 3 bottles? *
Should you require more than 1 set of Toffees, please inform under the Notes/Remarks. Thank you.
Notes / Remarks
Thank you for your order
Elena (016-233 4913) will be in touch with you soon to confirm your orders and to provide you with the payment details.

We thank you for your support and hope you would be inspired with the book & toffees. God Bless.
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