Product Survey - Digital Bundle for Social Media
Taking time to consistently post on social media has been made a bit easier by various scheduling applications, however you still have to create your images and text to post which can take a lot of time.  Frequent posting on social media often has a positive effect on the  algorithm which can help your posts have priority in feeds.

Below is an example of the type of image that would be included in a bundle.

Blue Shutters Web Design, LLC  can save you time and creative energy by providing you a bundle of digital images that you can schedule to post on social media.   Please take our survey below about this potential new product offered by Blue Shutters.

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What is your first reaction to a Social Media Image Bundle?
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Thinking about Social Media Image Bundle, is it something you need or don’t need?
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If the product or service above is priced at 20 images (a.k.a  business month) for $150, would you say it is:
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If Social Media Image Bundle were available today, how likely would you be to buy Social Media Image Bundle?
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Would your be more likely to purchase a bundle that:
What themes would you most likely purchase?  Examples of possible themes are:
Would you pay a premium to have temporary exclusivity?  (Example if you purchase the coffee bundle, it will not be available for purchase for 9 months after your purchase.)
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How much are you would you spend on social media images per month?
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Which social media platform would you be interested in.  Check all that apply
Suggestions (such as possible themes)
Everyone that replies to this survey will be entered to win a  free mini bundle of 5 social media images.  Two winners will be selected and they will be able to pick  either Facebook or Instagram for the image size of their bundle.  The  two random winners will be drawn from the entries to this survey that were received by 4 PM eastern on December 13, 2019 and be contacted by email.  There is no cash value.
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