Heart.Wants.Books. Virtual Book Club Registration
By filling out this form you are registering for Heart.Wants.Books.'s Virtual Book Club on Friday, December 9, 2022 at 7:30pm Central Time.

You will receive a Google Calendar Invitation from Ashley@AshleySellsMiddleTN.com so please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email promptly. Heart.Wants.Books provides Virtual Book Club to our readers at no cost to you and so we use the other resources at our disposal to do so. We will never share your email with anyone else and will only send you additional emails - from heartwantsbooks@gmail.com - if it pertains to Virtual Book Clubs current or future. - We love a good Amazon Kindle Book Deal and we figure you do, too!
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As we're thinking about the future of Virtual Book Club we need your input for 2023! What book(s), genre(s), or author(s) do you want to see in a future virtual book club? Are there book(s), genre(s), or authors(s) you'd especially like NOT to see?  Any specific, special requests for our meetings in February, April, June, and August 2023? (October is always for WITCHES and we like a cozy Veronica Speedwell Mystery for December.)
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