Free Menstrual Products in the SPPS District: Survey for Non-Menstruators
This form is no longer collecting responses. We want to thank everyone for taking the time to fill out this survey in order to provide us with more insight on the need and benefits of a free menstrual product policy in St. Paul Public Schools.

Period poverty is often an issue that goes under the radar, but is one that affects menstruators of all ages throughout many communities within the United States. The Covid-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the ramifications of menstrual inequity and made it more difficult for students around the country, in particular, students of color and lower-income students to access period products. Prior to the pandemic, schools, prisons, and public restrooms overwhelmingly failed to adequately provide menstrual products, leaving a large sector of the population confronting a public health issue with profound consequences: physical health risks, social and psychological effects, and for students, educational fallout.

With this collected information, it helps us learn more about the needs of the SPPS student population, and the benefits that would result from implementing a policy for the provision of free menstrual products. To learn more about our club's missions and our ongoing projects, visit our website and social media or reach out to us via email!

Instagram: @hpshgala

Thank you,
The Girl's Alliance Association
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