On the Wings of Friends Writing Buddy Family
On the Wings of Friends Writing Buddy Family
 Are you a writer, aspiring author, author, or published author? Are you seeking a writing buddy?
Note: A writer is someone who is in the stage of enjoying writing but not sure if they want to make it a career.
An aspiring author is someone who has decided to become an author and is dedicating time and research on the craft.
An author is a dedicated author working towards publication.
Published author, poet, and essayists have published either themselves or in an anthology.

Are you willing to make the time and do the work to make this an enjoyable experience for both of you? Understand that life happens and being respectful of other lifestyles, writing styles, and needs? Please only fill out the form if you’re prepared to commit to six months of a partnership with another writer?

Don’t feel obligated to force your schedule to accommodate the partnership if you need time off or partner needs time off.

What is a writing buddy? Buddies and accountability partners perform similar roles. The difference is that accountability puts more emphasis on the accountability aspects first. Buddies may focus more on the journey together while being accountable to each other.
A writing buddy is someone who shares the same goals and aspirations. A writing buddy offers support and encouragement and advice when needed. They may even share work with you or not, depending on what you both agree on.
The function is more to support, encourage, and hang out with from time to time in chat in whatever form suits you both. You might even bounce story ideas around together.
The point is to keep the connection going and encourage each other. Buddies write in the same genre with similar writing and reading interests.
We will be checking in on everyone weekly to see how it’s going.

Email *
Do you want more of a writing buddy, or accountability/critique partner, or a little bit of both? *
What genre do you work in at present? *
What Subgenre do you write?
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What is your Top project right now?
Is there a genre you really aren’t comfortable reading or working with?
Do you have Triggers we should be aware of?
Do you have writing themes that might be triggers to others in your projects?
What is your approximate availability in the first 6 months of the year?
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Can you connect with your partner
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Is there anything else you would like us to know about you and your writing style so we can better match you with a writer?
Do you agree to receive emails from Onthewingsforfriends@gmail.com? We send out a monthly newsletter so make sure to White List the email so you don't miss out!  *
More information
We are offering a private buddy voice channel in On The Wings for Writers Discord Server if you prefer to use Discord instead of Zoom or Google meetings.
We will be giving goodies to members like: stickers, printable's, social media graphics, and more. We encourage fun and interactive communication between partners.
We encourage you to use your own protection methods to protect yourself and your work. We are not responsible for anyone contacting you at your place of residence or copying your work. Please use your own judgement when communicating with your partner. We are not responsible for partner drama. Though if you are unhappy with your selection, please inform us and we will gladly try to match you with another partner if possible.

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