Smithville Farmers Market Vendor Application
Interested in becoming a vendor at our weekly Farmers Market? Please read over our Rules & Regulations and Vendor Checklist prior to completing this form. Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by our market manager with a decision and next steps. The Annual Cooperative fee is $50 and is valid from January to December. Vendors accepted after July 1st will pay a prorated fee of $25 for the first year.
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Email *
Primary Vendor Type: Category for 50% or more of product sold *
Vendor Frequency: I would like to be scheduled... *
Full Name: *
Name of Business: *
Address: *
Cell #: *
Email: *
Growing Practices: *
I'll be selling: (check all that apply) *
Please list the specific products you will sell from the categories you marked above: *
I hereby certify that all of the information contained in this application is true and correct. I have read the Rules and Regulations and agree to abide by them. I understand that selling products not produced by myself at the Market is a violation for which penalty will be removal from market as a vendor. I understand that by typing my full name below serves as my signature.
Signature *
Date signed: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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