Where The Dust Settles by Anna Callaway ARC Sign-up
We are delighted to be working with Anna Callaway in the release of Where The Dust Settles.

Release Date: May 6th 2025

Tropes: Cowboy Romance, Bull Rider, Small Town, Impulsive First Time, Slow Burn, Unexpected Pregnancy, Hurt/Comfort

Please note that this book contains: Violence, past domestic abuse (not between MCs), unexpected pregnancy, discussion of past childhood abuse/neglect (not graphic), brief flashbacks of people held captive (not directly involving either MCs, not graphic).

This is a standalone.

Love Notes PR and Anna Callaway have final decisions over ARC allocations. Please fill out this form with all the required information. Only successful candidates will receive an email confirming they were selected.



Ella wants to keep her head down, do her job, and be left alone. Testifying against her husband landed her in witness protection, and now she’s been relocated to small-town Montana, where she cleans house for Chase, a grumpy, injured bull rider who clearly doesn’t want her there. One impulsive decision leaves her with two pink lines and the possibility of a future she never let herself imagine. Fear and uncertainty tell her to keep her walls up and protect herself like she always has. But then there’s Chase, the man who's working his way into her heart, and the only one making her wonder if maybe, just maybe, she's finally found a soft place to land.

Chase just wants to heal up after a bull riding injury and sell the run-down family farm so he can leave Montana in the dust. With a whiskey habit he’s not ready to call a problem, and his job on the line if he doesn't recover before his next ride, his life is unraveling faster than he can hold it together. His plan is looking less likely by the day. And then there’s Ella, the housekeeper his agent hired, and the one he’s absolutely not falling for. Nope. Definitely not. Relationships were never his thing anyway. But the more he gets to know her, the more he sees his own fears reflected in her. The same instinct to keep people at arm’s length, the same hesitation to trust. For the first time in his life, he wonders what it would feel like to let someone in.

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