March 21 Vigil of Remembrance and Lament Sign Up
Vigil of Remembrance & Lament - Sunday March 21 - 6:30pm at Lakewood UCC
Sunday, March 21 (moved due to snowstorm), we will offer a Vigil of Remembrance and Lament, marking a year since the beginning of the stay at home orders, when our lives were transformed by COVID-19.

We will gather at 6:30 pm in the courtyard area by the west side parking lot for a time of candle lighting, prayer, and being together (while social distancing) as we grieve the incredible losses of this past year.

Masks are required. Please use this form to sign up. The sign-up includes a waiver and screening questions.

**In case of inclement weather or if you do not want to gather in person with other, we will have a pre-recorded vigil available on our YouTube channel.
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Number of people from your household attending the Vigil *
Names of all in party who will be attending the Vigil *
Email *
Phone *
Please fill out this waiver form (one per household) before the Vigil (click link *
Losses of the last year you would like to be shared in prayer (names of those who have died, things you miss, losses of "normalcy" or ritual)
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