Ecological Society of America: Sharing of Online Resources or Offers of Assistance to Members Affected by COVID-19. We are all in this together!
Fill out this form to offer assistance to ecologists affected by COVID-19 or share a resource. If you are able to, for example: share a teaching module resource, help with visiting another scientists' field site setup, interact virtually with a quarantined ecologist, provide a short guest lecture or virtual course module on a topic or share resources for teaching classes virtually, fill out the information below. We will collect the responses and post them on a virtual bulletin board on the ESA website.
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What resource do you have to share? (Please complete this question for each resource or leave the others blank and skip down to the name field.)
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Title or Brief Description of the Online Resource
Website or URL
What resource do have to share? (Please complete this question for each resource or leave the others blank and skip down to the name field.)
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Brief Description of the Online Resource
Website or URL
What resource do have to share? (Please complete this question for each resource or leave the others blank and skip down to the name field.)
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Brief Description of the Online Resource
Website or URL
How soon could you provide the resources offered? *
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Location (City, State)
Phone Number
Title or area of expertise
Affiliation (university, organization, or institution)
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