Trafford Hongkongers CIC - Virtual English Conversation Group Registration (Trafford Hongkongers CIC - 網上英語會話小組報名)
Thank you for supporting Trafford Hongkongers CIC and our virtual English conversation groups. The project is so popular that all of the groups are now full. Please forgive us that we may not be able to take care of everyone due to very limited resources, but we are trying our best to strive for more resources in order to organise various activities for you. Please go on like and follow our website, Facebook page and Twitter to obtain our latest information.

感謝大家支持 Trafford Hongkongers CIC 是次網上英語會話小組。由於反應熱烈,三組名額已滿。由於資源非常有限,請恕未能一一照顧,但我哋會盡力為大家爭取更多資源,去搞更多唔同嘅活動畀大家參加。請繼續留意我哋網站、Facebook 專頁及 Twitter,以獲得最新訊息。

Trafford Hongkongers CIC
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