NCACDA 2024 Conference Registration
Dear Member,

Thank you for registering for our 2024 Conference at Queens University of Charlotte October 4th & 5th!

Be sure to pay for your Conference Registration on the Registration Page:

Payment Questions should be directed to Treasurer, Jeremy Truhel (
Call or Text Jeremy Truhel at 336-251-9146 for additional payment methods

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
First Name *
Last Name *
ACDA Membership Number *
Home Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Primary Email Address *
Work Information: Institution *
Work Phone Number *
Photography Release *
Registration Type *
This question is required for Young Professionals only:

Where are you teaching and for how long?
This question is required for Students only:

What is your major and how long have you been studying? Also, what school are you enrolled at?
⭐Conference Buddies⭐
The purpose of the Conference Buddies initiative is: to contribute to a welcoming environment to our conference that will make it easier for new attendees to make connections with colleagues across the state and nationally.

Who can be a Conference Buddy?
-Experienced conference attendee who knows the lay of the land
-Willing to be either a companion to a new attendee or a point person to offer advice on sessions (ie. location,      presenter, where to eat, how to navigate throughout the conference
Willing to connect new attendee to other attendees that teach in similar environments/regions
The above descriptions are some ideas but is not limited to what a conference buddy would be

Who can request a Conference Buddy?
-Anyone! The program is designed to support first time conference-goers; however, we understand the need for community isn't unique to one group of people.
Would you like to participate in the Conference Buddies program for this conference?
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