Shelf Help at Fairhope Public Library
Are you unsure what to read next?  We are here to help!

Our library's most valuable resource are the wonderful people that we call our Staff.  These professionals are happy to assist our community in finding reading material that interests them.  Please fill out this short questionnaire to help us understand your reading preferences.

There is no guarantee that the titles we suggest will be immediately available.  Some books may be checked out or have a wait list.

Give us some time and we will reach back out to you by email; as quickly as we can we will prepare a list of 5 titles for you to enjoy!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What is your library card number? *
Are you more interested in receiving recommendations in fiction or nonfiction? *
Do you prefer any of these formats?
What fiction genres are you interested in?
What nonfiction topics are you interested in?
What are some fiction or nonfiction titles or authors that you have enjoyed reading in the past? *
Do you have any additional information that would be helpful in describing which type of books you like?
Thank you for participating!
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