Foster Home Application
New England Puppy Rescue provides all supplies needed for your foster puppy. You provide a safe, loving environment!

Fostering a dog is the most critical volunteer job in our rescue. Thank you for applying!

Reasons to become a foster:
  • Love of animals 
  • Want to help save lives.
  • Able to always get your "puppy fix."
  • No permanent, lifetime commitment to one puppy/dog while still saving countless lives.
  • The instant gratification of love and affection – they know you saved them!
  • Get to wake up feeling good every day knowing you made a difference.
Things we ask of our fosters:
  • 1-2 week commitment, but as little as overnight & weekend too!
  • Keep the puppies safe & loved.
  • Watch and report IMMEDIATELY any signs of illness.
  • Agree to pick up or arrange to meet to pick up your puppies when they arrive in from the transport.
  • Bath the pups once they arrive or before their adoption meeting.
  • If needed, administer any medications as prescribed.
  • Agree to drop off your puppies at their adoption meeting.
Our Foster-to-Adopt Program:
  • Apply to be a foster, as usual
  • All of the above applies (Things we ask of our fosters)
  • You get to have a trial run with a puppy to see if its a match
  • Either way, you help save a life!
  • Not all puppies are eligible with the program, but a majority are
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Welcome!! Which is your biggest interest:
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Full Name *
Street Address: *
Town, State: *
*Please note, we are unable to accept MA foster homes due to MA state law*
Phone Number: *
Occupation: *
Do you own or rent your home? (Renters: Must provide Landlord's name/phone here as well) *
Age Desired:   *
Please check all that apply
Preferred Sex: *
Please check all that apply
Are you comfortable with administering medications to your foster dog if need be and with instruction? *
Please list the ages of ALL family members, including yourself: *
Please list ALL current animals in your home: *
(Name, Age, Breed, Sex)
Please provide the name and Town, State of your current veterinarian:
How long daily will the dog be left alone (without humans)? *
Are you familiar with the use of a dog crate/pen to train the pet during your absence or at night and are you willing to utilize this for the puppy's safety when you are not home? *
Please tell us why you want to foster a dog: *
Under what circumstances would you no longer be able to foster a dog? *
Anything else you would like us to know?
I/we attest that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge.  I/we understand that completion and submission of this application does not guarantee adoption of a dog nor entitle you to be a foster home. *
Applicant's Signature: *
Date *
Email Address: *
We will contact you here for approval of your foster application!
Being a foster is what saves lives! Thank you for applying! 
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