KTH AI Society Team Member Application
Read through the following information:

We are now recruiting team members for our student organization. You can apply to more than one team, and do not hesitate to send you application. 

Business Team

In the business team, we focus on building relationships with the leading AI companies. You will be in touch with representatives of those, discussing cooperation, sponsorships, as well as creating new bridges to tech giants and impactful organisations in Stockholm and around the world!

Communications Team

Creating digital content is one of the most vital parts of our society - in this team, you will be part of the team responsible for creating digital content for companies interested in organizing events with us, as well as engaging students in AI oriented happenings, such as conferences, lunch lectures, and hackathons!

Education Team

The education team could be regarded as the R&D section of the society. Here, we will engage in various AI centred projects which we find insightful to pursue, participate in external hackathons, and cooperate with scientists from KTH, hopefully producing some papers!

Newsletter Team

The newsletter team will be the new sub-branch of the education team. The goal of the team will be to produce a monthly newsletter of the latest news in AI, from KTH and around the world. It will also include interviews with researchers at the university about their research and study, presenting a great opportunity to learn about research at forefronts of AI.

IT Team

Where the Education Team is the R&D, IT team has more of an applied focus. The IT Team is responsible for the development of our website, maintaining our Google Workspace, handling security as well as implementing new gimmicks on our Slack!


If you apply for IT or Education Team, send an email to contact@kthais.com. with your CV and write which team you are applying to. Contact Us If you have any questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at contact@kthais.com.

Following your application, please keep an eye on your email in late September for updates regarding the interview process.
By submitting this form, you agree to our Privacy and Cookie Policy which can be found here: https://kthais.com/page/legal/privacy-and-cookies/. Collected data will be deleted after the recruitment process, no later than 1st of November 2023.

KTH AI Society (hereinafter, "KTHAIS"), with organisation number 8025187249 and address Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår, Drottning Kristinas Väg 15-19, 100 44 Stockholm (Sweden) and contact email address contact@kthais.com is the data controller of the processing of your personal data.

You may contact KTHAIS in the postal address previously indicated or in the following email address for any query, request or clarification regarding the processing of your personal data at contact@kthais.com.
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Full name *
Email address *
Education program  *
Why are you interested in joining the KTH AI Society?
Which team(s) are you interested in joining? You can select multiple options.
If you are applying to multiple teams, please list them in order of preference, starting with your most desired team.
What skills or experiences do you bring that would make you a valuable member of the KTH AI Society teams?
What is your expected availability and commitment level for participating in KTH AI Society activities? (e.g., hours per week, any potential conflicts) *
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