UUCH 2024-2025 Virtual Pledge Form
Please fill out this form to make your pledge to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville for the 2024-2025 church year which begins on July 1, 2024 and continues through June 30, 2025.

We are very grateful for your generosity and commitment to our church.

This form can be filled out individually or for a household.
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Email *
Name(s) *
Address, including City, State and Zip code  *
Additional contact email address. Optional response
Phone Number(s) *
Annual pledge amount. (Frequency of payment *times* your routine amount = Annual Pledge Amount). You may find the UUA's Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide helpful. For more details see UUA Stewardship for Us Fair Share Contribution Guide

I intend to make pledge payments on the following frequency (beginning July 1, 2024): *
For installments payments, my routine installment amount will be $_________.  
OR: If my answer was "other" above,  please explain.
What payment method do you plan to use to pay your pledge? *
Thank you for making a pledge to UUCH!  This financial committment is made in good faith.  If my circumstances change and I can increase or need to reduce it, I will notify the UUCH office as soon as possible. 

Email stewardship@uuch.org with any questions.

You will receive an automated email after submitting that will allow you to see your response and revisit this form to change your inputs if needed. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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