North Gauhati College - Student Satisfaction Survey (Session: 2021-22)
For Students who were enrolled in the college in any Year of Graduation during the 2021-22 academic session
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Email id: *
Year in which admitted in the college in B.A./B.Sc/B.Voc. 1st semester : *
Course Pursued *
Were you able to select the subjects of your preference during admission? *
Do you think some other subject which is not offered by the college would have suited you more in your graduation? If yes, mention the subject(s) you would have liked to study. *
Rate your satisfaction regarding the teaching methods employed in the classrooms. *
Not satisfied
Highly satisfied
How much would you rate the role of ICT tools used by teachers, such as digital presentations, online classrooms, etc. in helping you understand the subject matter? *
Not helpful
Very much helpful
How satisfied were you with the College Infrastructure in terms of supporting proper conducting of class and related academic activities? *
Not satisfied
Highly satisfied
How supportive were the teachers in solving your problems *
Not supportive
Highly supportive
How far were the mentoring activities of your teachers adequate in actually solving your problems? *
Not adequate
Very adequate
How much helpful did you find the College Library in meeting your academic demands? *
Not helpful
Very helpful
How would you rate the reading room facilities provided in the College Library? *
Not adequate
Very adequate
How would you rate the convenience of communicating to the college from your place of residence? *
Very inconvenient
Very convenient
Were you able to take part in extracurricular activities as a student of the college? *
Given a chance, would you pursue another course in the college? *
Would you recommend the college to other students willing to pursue Graduation? *
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