Sign up for a free yard tree from TreePhilly!
TreePhilly is partnering with Esperanza to give away trees to the their community. These trees are reserved for planting in the 19140, 19120, 19124, 19134 zip codes. Please visit for info on city-wide giveaways. can now request a tree that will be delivered to your home!

Use this form to REQUEST a FREE yard tree. This request form is open through November 9th, and you will receive confirmation of your request to the email you provide.

We'll do our best to fulfill your first choice, but may substitute with your back-up choice if necessary. If neither of your requested trees are available, we will reach and offer a tree of similar size and features that you can choose to accept or decline.

You may request up to 2 trees per planting address. To request a second tree, submit the form and re-fill it out again for the second tree.  Trees are available while supplies last.

Your tree will be delivered week of November 15th-19th. You'll receive the date of your delivery in your confirmation email.

Trees are available for Philadelphia residents only and must be planted in the ground (not in a pot) on private property in the city of Philadelphia.

TreePhilly is a program of Philadelphia Parks and Recreation in partnership with the Fairmount Park Conservancy, sponsored by TD Bank
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Planting Street Address *
Zip Code (of planting address) *
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