Bauernfeind College of Business High School Teacher Application for Racer Academy
All High School Teachers (including those who’ve previously completed the form) must complete this application form for planning purposes if the school plans to offer one or more classes in the upcoming academic year. Even if the school is undecided, please submit this application before the deadline. Returning teachers do not need to resubmit the resume or transcript(s) unless requested. In certain cases, it may be possible to submit this application and offer the Racer Academy courses at your high school after the May 1st deadline. Please contact Kelsey Johnson about the possibility. (

In addition to completing the information in this application form, please send a resume to Kelsey Johnson at by May 1st prior to the start of the academic year you are applying for. Please have the registrar’s office of the institution where you completed your two highest degrees send official transcripts directly to Kelsey Johnson, Murray State University, 220 Business Building, Murray, KY 42071.
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Email *
First Name *
Middle Initial *
Last Name *
Will this be your first time to teach Racer Academy course(s) OR if you are currently teaching RA course(s), will you need to change your school information? *
Date of Birth *
Preferred Pronoun *
Teaching Experience (years) *
College Credit Hours above Bachelor's Degree (hours) *
Highest Degree Earned *
High School *
School Address *
School Phone *
Guidance Counselor Name
Guidance Counselor Email
Principal Name
Principal Email
For which course(s) are you applying to teach? *
List any dual credit courses you've previously taught or are currently teaching. Include course name and number and institution.
Which semester(s) will you teach Racer Academy course(s)? *
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