RSVP Movie Matinee Friday Nov 1
Come and join us for a movie matinee!
Show starts at 3:15pm - Line up outside by the basketball courts. 
Admission: suggested donation $5/student or $15/family unit

- Due to capacity limits, attendance must be registered through RSVP online. This is NOT a drop off event and adult supervision is required. RSVP deadline Friday Oct 25th 3pm. 
- Concession stand items available by donation: Popcorn, chip bags, juice boxes. Suggested donation $1 per item - BRING SMALL CHANGE LOONIES/TOONIES PLEASE! Outside food/snacks also permitted (no nuts please)
- Bring blankets/cushions or low sitting camping chairs (regular camping chairs will be asked to be placed along the side or back walls)
- Volunteers needed for set up, concession stand attendant and clean up! Please sign up online with the following link: 

Vote for your preferred movie choice (choose one):
1) The Garfield Movie
2) Harold and the Purple Crayon
3)  Despicable Me 4
Email if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the movies! 
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Attending Parent/Guardian's first name
Attending Parent/Guardian's last name
Child(ren)'s Names + Divisions
How many in your family total will attend Movie Matinee?
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What grade are your child(ren) in?
Vote for your movie choice (choose 1 per family):
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I plan to purchase (choose quantity):
Juice Box
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