Step Into Marketing: Training and Inspiring the next generation of marketers
Expression of interest in participating in Step Into Marketing: a pilot programme for Young Enterprise Northern Ireland has been developed by Chartered Marketer Christine Watson, founder of, to inspire and train Young Enterprise NI alumni on marketing skills through a series of online classes and courses as well as providing quality peer networking.
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First Name *
Surname *
Email address *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
What secondary school did you attend? *
What Young Enterprise programme did you do? *
Tell us your career aspirations and/or why you wish to up-skill in marketing. Don't worry, you won't be tied to this and there are no wrong answers. *
What is your current employment situation? *
Please state here URL links to your social media (for example your LinkedIn profile) or your blog web page
Thank you for expressing an interest in our pilot programme Step Into Marketing, and Young Enterprise are excited to start working with inspiring and motivated young people like you.
The programme will consist of a schedule of weekly training sessions delivered online by Chartered Marketer, mentor and trainer Christine Watson, supported by marketing practitioners from right across the local economy. In addition each trainee will benefit from the innovative flipped classroom style of learning whereby following their individual learning completions from the hundreds of free online courses available through platforms such as MakeitClick, Google Digital Garage they will return to the peer group to share their biggest lessons and practical application
There is space on the programme for up to 20 young people, so your next steps will be to wait to find out if you have been selected. In the meantime, take a look at, the website and social media platforms, as well as Young Enterprise to see what you will potentially be getting involved in.
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