Presentation Proposal for 2023 MAEN Conference
Proposals for the 2023 MAEN conference will be accepted through March 15th.  You will be notified by March 24th whether or not your proposal will be accepted. More than one person may present, but only one presenter will receive the 50% conference registration discount. You will need to register for the conference as well.

Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Presenter's Name(s) *
Presenter's position/title *
School district or organization *
Mailing Address *
Please check the strand that your presentation can be categorized under *
Presentation Title *
Please give a brief abstract of the presentation (100 words or less) *
MAEN will provide projectors for meeting rooms.  Presenters will need to bring any special technical tools for their presentation. If you request AV equipment from The Lodge, you may be billed individually for the equipment requested. *
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