2024-25 Beginning Band Registration!
Complete this form to register for the PSMS 6th Grade Band for this school year (2024-25). Instrument placement and selection will be done during school hours.

Please email Mr. Webster at brian.webster@pcsstn.com or call/text at 931-292-2738 if you have any questions!

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E-mail *
Student first name *
Student last name *
Student School email *
Parent/Guardian first name *
Parent/Guardian last name *
Parent/Guardian email *
Parent/Guardian phone *
Which instruments are you interested in? (Check any that apply) *
Which instrument is your first choice? (Select one only. This is NOT your official instrument. This is just to gather information. Please do NOT go buy an instrument yet!) *
Do you have any formal experience with music aside from music classes in elementary school? (Have you taken lessons, sing in church choir, etc...) If so, please explain.
I understand that Band is a graded class that meets daily. I also understand that it is my *responsibility to obtain an instrument and other supplies. (*Money will not stop a student from joining band! Please contact Mr. Webster if you need help getting an instrument) *
I understand that Band is a commitment. Band takes time and requires consistent daily practice. *
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