Chelsea's MTS Partnership Info
Hi there! It's such an encouragement to me that you are keen to invest in gospel work. Thank you for your partnership!
Here are a few questions to help me (Chelsea) best keep in contact with you.
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Would you like to receive more information about MTS and Chelsea's apprenticeship?
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How would you like to partner with Chelsea?
Please select one of the following
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How would you like to receive updates and prayer requests from Chelsea?
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Please enter your first name and surname.
Email address
Please enter an email address that Chelsea can contact you on.
Phone number
Please enter a phone number that Chelsea can contact you on.
If you'd like to partner financially, how much would you like to give?

Please enter an approximate amount. You will not be held to giving this amount, it will just help Chelsea to have an idea of her budget for the coming year. 
Please enter amount and frequency e.g. $50 once of, or $25 fortnightly.
Thank you so much for your support! It's such a blessing and a joy to partner with you in God's work.

If you ticked that you would like to more information or that you would like to support me in some way, I will be in contact with you.

If you’d like to partner financially with me, please use the details below.
Name: Albury Presbyterian Churches
BSB: 032 600
Acc No: 860 764
Ref: MTS Chelsea

If you would like to contact me, please feel free to call or message on 0458809852 or at
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