Pilgrimage Idea Form
Use this form to submit an idea for a local pilgrimage.  You can submit an idea for a group that is already coming together (include names below).  OR, you can put an idea out there and see if others want to join. We encourage you to follow up by inviting specific people.  We also will post all ideas and help people connect with each other. FOR MORE INFO OR TO SEE SAMPLE IDEAS, CLICK HERE
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Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Phone *

Idea (e.g.: visit the zoo and reflect on creation; we'll also take a neighbor without a church home who loves the zoo and is fine with including a devotion and discussion)

As you connect with God and others, how do you hope this pilgrimage will “make your heart sing”? (e.g.: we all strongly connect with God in nature, so we think this trip will renew our spirits; we also hope to get to know other St. Peter members and the neighbor better, and just enjoy some time together)

If anyone is already planning to join you, write their name(s) below:

Please indicate EITHER that your group is "full" OR state how many more people it could host.  If full, is there a group member who would lead a similar pilgrimage for another group?  (e.g. "could use 3 more people"; OR "full - but Jim Bob could do another")

Rough Estimated Costs per person, up $60 each (e.g. $20 for food, $10 for admission) 


Target Timeframe (e.g. May or Early June)


Would you like a Renewal Team leader to contact you to help you flesh out your idea? (e.g. to find a devotion or a couple discussion starters)

Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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