Syracuse Adaptive Climbing Group @ Central Rock Gym
Welcome to the registration page for the Syracuse chapter of the Adaptive Climbing Group! We generally meet  on the last Monday of the Month 6 - 8 pm at Central Rocks in Syracuse (600 N Franklin St, Syracuse, NY).

If you require direct physical assistance, you will be responsible for bringing a friend or family member to assist you.

Sessions cost $10 which includes a day pass, rental gear, use of our assisted devices, and a team of trained volunteers to help belay you on the wall. If you have any questions, please reach out to

To keep up to date on daily online ACG programming across the country follow our online formats:
Instagram: @adaptclimbgroup and Facebook (Adaptive Climbing Group - New York).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Date of Desired Session *
Please select the session for which you would like to be a climber or a volunteer. You can sign up for more than one at a time. Sessions will meet at 6:00pm at the front tables of the gym.
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