Women and Gender Constituency Advocacy Network - Join our Advocacy List and help to develop our network

The Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) is one of the nine official stakeholder groups of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Established in 2009, the WGC now consists of about 30 women’s and environmental civil society organizations and networks. Please check our website for an updated list: http://womengenderclimate.org/member.

Members of the Constituency are officially accredited to the UNFCCC, and in their application, have associated themselves with the WGC. The WGC currently has a Faciliative Committee and two co-Focal Points, Bridget Burns (Global North) and Gina Cortés (Global South) who act as a liaison for WGC members to the UNFCCC Secretariat, providing information on side events, delivering interventions, and meetings with Co-Chairs and other Secretariat staff.

In 2015, attempting to bridge the gap between the closed communications of officially accredited and members of the Constituency, and the open communications of all those interested in women, gender and climate justice issues, the WGC has started various activities to form a broader feminist network such as opening up a new 'Advocacy List', for members of civil society who want to engage in developing strategies and positions with the WGC. In addition, the WGC also hosts an 'OPEN' Women's Caucus, typically daily at 9am, during each of the UNFCCC meetings, for all individuals (Member States, UN, IGOs and Civil Society), interested in networking and advocating women, gender and climate justice issues.

We are currently in the process to develop our network further. If you have any questions regarding the work of the WGC or how to use this list, please contact focalpoints@womengenderclimate.org.

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