RomanceLahoma 2023: Pitch to Allison Lyons
Fill out this form if you're interested in pitching during RomanceLahoma to Allison Lyons, Editor at Harlequin Intrigue

ATTENTION: PLEASE check schedule here BEFORE signing up for an appointment to make sure it is available.
You can ONLY PRE-SIGNUP FOR 1 PITCH SESSION. If you'd like to sign up for more than one appointment, you can check for available appointments in the pitch room upon arriving at the RomanceLahoma Conference.

Note: Only registered attendees will be allowed to pitch to an agent or editor during the RomanceLahoma Conference.
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Correo electrónico *
Name (first, last) *
Mobile Number (so a RomanceLahoma staff member can text reminders during the conference): *
Are you registered for RomanceLahoma 2023? *
I want to pitch my book to Allison on 
Friday, August 4th, 2023 at: (pick 1 time below)
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I want to pitch my book to Allison on 
Saturday, August 5th, 2023 at: (pick 1 time below)
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Good Luck with your Pitch! We hope you hit a home run!!
If you have any questions about your submission, please don't hesitate to email the pitch room coordinator at
Se enviará un correo electrónico con una copia de tus respuestas a la dirección que suministraste.
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