Survey of evaluation of the telematic demo of Assistive Technology
The video showcased the research results obtained through the NATIFLife project, aimed at the development of technologies  intended for the improvement of the life quality of elderly persons who live on their own.
To live alone safely  it is important that a member of the family, a relative, or a doctor, is immediately warned in case of danger. For example,  if he or she forgets to take a drug, eats too much or not enough, remains still for too long, sitting or lying, falls down, feels unwell or if there is a gas leak.
It is possible to utilize, to this end, some devices which allow to monitor the activities carried out by the person who lives on its own and, if needed, contact and inform a relative or caregivers.
The whole process does not violate the privacy of the person and does not involve any complex device or change of habits.
The technology showcased in the video is particularly useful and effective also in the current health crisis due to COVID19 during which, because of the restrictive measures taken by the authorities in order to contain the spread of the virus, many elderly people are forced to remain alone at home. In similar situations could be hard receiving frequent visits from relatives or caregivers who can check if everything is fine or if the person living alone needs some kind of help.

We ask you to answer to some easy questions to discover your opinion about the usefulness of the technologies demonstrated in the video.

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1. Which partner invited you to view the video and fill in this survey?
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2. What is your age? *
3. Do you usually call other people (a relative, a neighbour, a doctor) for help  when you need it? *
4. Do you think that people living alone (e.g. elderly) could experience problems in asking for help in case he/she felt unwell? *
5. Do you think it would be useful, for a person living on his own, that a relative, a friend or a caregiver is automatically warned if he/she feels unwell, does not eat or drink regularly, if he/she remains seated or lying at bed for too long, or if falls down?   *
6. Do you find it useful to receive information and suggestions to improve your daily habits? *
7. Do you find it useful to control remotely house lights or other devices? *
8. Do you find annoying wearing a "smart" watch able of keeping track of your heartbeat and other parameters, and which, in case of anomalies, sends a notification? *
9. Do you find annoying using a smartphone, like the one shown in the video, to receive suggestions about how to improve your habits or to control remotely home lights? *
10. If you would be, even temporarily, unable to walk or move properly, would you use a smart walker able  to make your movements safer? *
11. Do you think that the devices showcased in the video could help feeling safer when living alone? *
12. Do you think that a technology like the one demonstrated is important for the improvement of the quality of life? *
13. The current medical emergency due to the spread of COVID19 imposes restrictions to the movement of people. In particular, many elderly people are forced to remain home, often struggling to call for and receive assistance. Do you think that a technology like the one displayed in the video could be useful in these situations to guarantee people living alone proper assistance? *
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