DePOT Roundtable
What does deindustrialization studies have to offer heritage studies—and what can scholars of deindustrialization learn from the world of heritage? Six DePOT student, postdoctoral, and research affiliates share their research on de-industrial heritage.  

Chair: Steven High

Brian Rosa, “The “Disciplining of Memory”? Narrating Traces of the Industrial Past in Barcelona”.

Paula Leu Fernandez Alvarez, “Post-industrial ruins and fossil imaginaries. Worker memory, spaces and visual culture of coal extractivism.”

Guilherme Pozzer, “Crafting the Past: Empowering Communities through Creative Writing, Visual Narratives, Memory, and Place-Making.”

Myriam Guillemette, “Sundown Towns phenomenon in Canadian planned communities; recognition of the industrial contribution of the Indigenous Peoples of Manitoba.”

Jorge Magaz-Molina, “Climate action, carbon deindustrialization and heritage concerns in Northwestern Spain”.

Laura Littlefair, “From Cradle to Grave: Recontextualising the Deindustrialised Railway Town.”

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