Student Parent and Caregiver Advocacy at UW (SPCA UW) Family Study Space at UW Libraries

By filling out this survey and receiving access to the Family Study Space at UW Libraries, you are agreeing to all of the following:

  •  NEVER leave your child(ren) unsupervised in the Family Study Space, and all of UW Libraries, for any reason.
  • If an unsupervised child comes to the attention of libraries personnel, University of Washington Police will be contacted.
  • You, the parent and/or guardian, are solely responsible for the safety, wellbeing, and behavior of any child(ren) that you bring into the Family Study Space, and all of UW Libraries. 
  • You and your child(ren) will adhere fully to the Code of Conduct posted in the Family Study Space.
  • You may be asked to leave the space if you are not following the steps outlined above, and any additional instructions that may be given by UW Libraries staff.
Our Mission: SPCA UW supports a healthy work-life balance for parents and caregivers at the University of Washington through building community, providing mentorship, and advocating for awareness and availability of important resources.

Thank you for filling out our survey! We look forward to seeing you at the study space.

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Email *
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Are you a current UW student, or other UW affiliate?  *
Which school or department are you affiliated with at UW?  *
Which type of degree program are you pursuing at UW?
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What is the age(s) are your children? Please select all that apply. *
Which days and times are you most likely to use the Family Study Space? *
Please select all that apply:  *
Yes, Please!
No thanks.
Keep me informed of updates and events.
I am interested in being a part of planning and organizing.
I am interested in taking on a leadership role in planning and organizing.
If you are interested in attending meetings, which meeting time(s) work best for you? (Optional)
Besides use of the Family Study Space, what are you hoping to gain from being involved with SPCA UW? (Optional)
Anything else you'd like us to know? (Optional)
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