SMP Community Center Application

This online community is intended to be a respite and a resource center for moms who share the circumstance of parenting a child who’s adopted a trans-identity. We believe the best way we can contribute to the healthiest possible outcomes for our whole families is to resource ourselves so we can be stable, present and attuned to the needs of the moment rather than letting fear and anger drive our behavior and wreak havoc on our relationships. 

As growth-oriented moms, we tend to be learners who seek ways to get bigger than our problems.

This is a private, vetted, paid community. Please answer the following questions to receive an invitation to join. Detail is important to the approval process. 

All of the questions are "required".  If you already have a relationship with StoicMom, you can enter "client" or "former client" or something similar to describe how we know each other and skip the detailed response about your family situation. 
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Please explain your family situation that inspired you to find your way here. Detail here helps with vetting. How long have you been dealing with this? Do you have other children? How has this affected your quality of life? You don't have to answer these specific questions, but it's important to be a little vulnerable here to ensure this  community will be a good fit for you.  *
This is not considered a “gender critical” space but rather a space for moms dealing with an incredibly destabilizing parenting experience and seeking to resource themselves. There are a wide range of views and approaches so please be courteous and thoughtful in your posts.  Posting about divisive, political, or activism-related topics is discouraged. *
Stoic Principles we strive to embrace within the community:

We recognize we cannot control external circumstances, but we can choose how we respond to them.

We don't suppress or avoid difficult and intense emotions but aim to understand what they're communicating to us. 

The obstacle is the way--humans have amazing capacity for resilience and healing, and it's through the most difficult things in life that we discover our strongest, most compassionate selves. 

We believe everyone's doing the best they can with their current skills and understanding of how the world works.  

These are the community's Guiding Principles. Please check each to acknowledge you can allow the principle to inform your behavior within the community:  *
These are the Guiding Questions we use when determining whether our content shares, posts, and comments align with the SMP culture. We lean toward posting if you're in doubt, and we'll have a great discussion in the thread if it's questionable. Please read and check each that you can commit to asking yourself:  *
What attracted you to the SMP community and what do you hope to gain by being part of it?  *
If you offer a product or service that you believe specifically benefits this community, please read these guidelines and acknowledge that you've read and understand them: 

As long as it supports Mom’s self-care and/or personal growth, we welcome your wisdom and skills and invite you to share in the following ways: 

>Create a post in the Main Hall feed about a resource that’s really supported you and explain why you recommend it.

>Join and share within the Practices for Life community space.

>Create a live event and present on a topic you’re passionate about.

>If you’d like to offer something more extensive like a class or a book study, check with Jen or one of the moderators about creating a dedicated Learning Club. 

Please refrain from: 

>Spamming any space, feed, or chat with product or service advertisements

>Directly inviting community members to purchase your service or product (but feel free to share what you do in your profile and if someone reaches out to you with interest, please establish communication outside the SMP community and take it from there.) 

Would you be interested in having a complimentary discovery session with StoicMom to determine whether 1:1 coaching would be beneficial for you?  *
If you were referred to the community, please let me know who referred you:  *
The cost of the membership is $395/year or $39.50/month. To receive your invitation to join the community, please provide your email address in the space provided. 

I may reach out with specific questions regarding your responses above if I feel I need more detail to vet you for the community, otherwise you'll receive an email from with an invitation link to join. (Please check your spam if you don't see this email within 24 hours.) 
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