Instacart Shoppers in School — Survey
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What is your first and last name? *
What is the email associated with your Instacart shopper account? *
On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you with your experience as a shopper? *
What's your favorite thing about shopping with Instacart? *
Do you think shopping with Instacart is a great earnings opportunity for students? Why (or why not)? *
What school do you attend or will be attending? *
What's a fun fact about you OR something that most people wouldn't know about you?
Do you have another job, hobby, internship, or something else you like to do when you aren't shopping or in school?
How many hours will you plan to shop per week during the school year? *
How old are you? *
What type of degree are you pursuing? (High school, Undergraduate, Graduate/Master's, PhD, Medical, Nursing, etc.) *
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